
Financial Engine for Wellbeing



Customer experience is undergoing a crisis, and now is the time to engage with your customers and help them in their financial wellbeing.

The pandemic has brought a unique opportunity to Banks and Financial Institutions (FI) in helping customers recover from crisis. The need for financial wellbeing is evergreen, and will last beyond the pandemic. This will drive long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty, in turn translating to revenue growth.

While Banks and Financial Institutions (FI) are already offering these capabilities through their existing digital channels, there is a need to introduce EMPATHY as a unique differentiator.

The Challenges

  • Individual customers and small business are going though financial hardship
  • Banks and Financial Institutions (FI) fail to provide proactive help, establish personalized interation and engage customers.
  • This results in higher dissatisfaction, customer churn and declining CSAT
  • Banks and Financial Institutions (FI) are struggling to promote new revenue stream

Key Benefits

  • Instantly engage customers virtually driven by empathy, customer need, financial behavior & preferences
  • Improving loyalty through context driven customer experience
  • Navigate customers to their next best action optimizing financial wellbeing
  • Cloud based (SaaS) smart solution helping customers in their financial wellbeing in a hyper-personalized video based conversation in real-time

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