Case Study

Engaging online relay race for Olympic games sponsor


Multinational enterprises can pay tens of millions of dollars to support the Olympic games as sponsors. This substantial marketing investment must show dividends in the form of brand engagement to ensure a high return on investment.

Here is how Mindtree helped a consumer electronics accessory brand leverage its Olympic games sponsorship to grow its fan base by 60% on a key social media platform.

The challenge

The customer was one of the sponsors of the 2012 London Olympic Games. As part of its marketing plan, it intended to engage a large number of consumers online through social media platforms such as Facebook.

With only a few months left for the Games, the customer decided to build a Facebook-based contest to connect with consumers and garner a greater fan base. The contest involved a complex race in which players had to collaborate with friends within certain time constraints to complete the race. The customer wanted contestants to be able to see real-time statistics presented graphically; and also wanted real-time ranking of teams to be displayed on a virtual leader board. Mindtree was tasked with the following:

  • Developing the Facebook contest application within 2.5 months including requirement analysis, design, development, testing and user acceptance testing
  • Localizing the applications to five additional locations besides the United Kingdom
  • Ensuring legal compliance in each target market

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer to build an application in line with their needs; and provided support for the duration of the contest.This involved the following stages:

Requirement Analysis and Acceptance criteria

  • Analyzed requirements
  • Documented technical requirements
  • Proposed an optimized solution and acceptance criteria

Solution Engineering

  • Defined the technical architecture and design
  • Factored in multi-location and multi-language support for the application
  • Developed and tested the application
  • Undertook compliance reviews using best-in-class tools
  • Completed acceptance testing
  • Deployed the application on a hosting server and made it available on the brand's Facebook fan page

Live Support

  • Collaborated with the brand’s fan page community managers to address end-user queries
  • Monitored and maintained logs for application performance and configuration parameters
  • Provided game statistics to track trends and user behavior

Business impact

  • Fan base growth of 60% in two months
  • Participation by a large number of potential consumers
  • High degree of brand engagement peaking at 180 interactions in a day
gamification in insurance industry
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