Case Study

Electronic manufacturer improves customer experience, lead-gen using Sitecore


The client is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electro mechanical devices. The client maintains multiple websites, and generates leads through CRM integration.

The Challenge:

  • Successive acquisitions resulting in lack of cohesive user experience and uniformity across websites from a branding perspective
  • Make products easily discoverable for customers on global search platforms
  • Provide mobile devices support
  • Enable integration with social media for more hits

Mindtree’s Solution:

  • Sitecore- based web content management solution across 140 websites
  • Integration with third party software like Salesforce and Payment gateway (Payeezy)
  • Streamlined test execution cycle using Selenium-based automation for sanity and system testing
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD) using Jenkins, an extensible automation server

Business Benefits:

  • Improved search rankings resulting in increased lead generation
  • Improved customer experience due to multi device support
  • Improved overall efficiency in application deployment through the following:
    • Reduced regression cycle time by 25% using automation
    • Reduced deployment cycle time from 4 hours to 20 minutes
    • Reduced development effort by 50% for simple forms

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Electronic manufacturer improves online customer experience, lead-gen using Sitecore
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