Case Study

Developing softphone driver for Unified Communication Market (UCF)


Mindtree enabled a leading global phone producer to develop and implement a scalable Mac suite platform.

The growth of Mac in enterprise segments is 65.4% as compared to an overall 9.7% growth of PCs. In large networks, software distribution and updates are almost always tedious and require a lot of administration resources.

The customer is a global producer of innovative headset and speakerphone solutions. Their headset range has repeatedly been recognized as the gold standard in innovation and design. They wanted a Mac suite platform that can be installed on a large number of computers, using any of the mass deployment tools.

Business challenge

1. Installing software on every single system is time consuming and unproductive.

2. The customer had to reinvest on reskilling their team on Mac.

3. Applications had to be designed for large scale deployment of USB headset solutions, with the focus on Mac customers. In addition, they had to compete directly with another leading headset manufacturer.

Our Solution

Mindtree provided a cost-effective and time effective solution. We used a remote software installation and automated installation. Our solution comprised:

1. End-to-end product development including product requirements, design and development of the user interface and driver modules. These can be installed on Mac OS X in end user and mass deployment environments.

2. Easily upgradable modules with components which are customizable.

3. Softphone drivers adaptable to multiple versions of the same softphones.

Client benefits

  • Scalable platform supported the business needs of UCF with additional softphone support.
  • With the Mac suite platform, time to market for additional softphone support was reduced by 50%.
Developing softphone driver for Unified Communication Market (UCF)
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