
Defining success and quantifying goals


One of the biggest reasons for failure in software testing, is the lack of attention to business goals / objectives. Defining clear business goals is essential to succeed. Aligning your organization to the said goals, makes it easier to chart out the quality dimensions required to achieve them.

Understanding Quality Objectives

Quality is defined in terms such as reliability, maintainability, scalability, usability and conformability. Each dimension requires a certain level of investment (testing costs), to satisfy a specific business goal / objective. It is necessary to choose the dimension of quality and articulate its associated value in terms of cost and risk.

Our solution

Mindtree Test Consulting Group (TCG) uses your existing delivery life cycle and methodologies to design a sensible cost-effective improvement plan. We also provide complete integrated test solution recommendations. Quality is maintained throughout the application delivery life cycle, helping nurture a culture of excellence. We tailor solutions best suited to your needs. Our highly qualified, experienced test professionals are experts in process improvements, test automation and test management tools. Our tactical delivery is assembled around business criticality, resulting in incremental improvement plans.

Justify the business case through Return On Investment (ROI)

Your business case should prove that investment in testing has value and is of importance. Value, in most cases, is determined and validated by ROI calculations. Investment has value and associated costs – always a major factor in ROI calculation. For a more holistic view, the functions of quality and time should also be taken into account.

To justify your investment you need to:

  • Master measurements and ROI benefits from a balanced scorecard - simultaneously minimizing costs, mitigating risks and achieving a quicker time to market
  • Decide how much investment in quality is needed to support your business goals
  • Maximize the return and utilization of test automation investments
  • Justify investments that have been made in the delivery of international standard applications

Defining key quality metrics

Measurement determines whether the quality of the application or product is improving or declining. Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to compare results.

Defining Success And Quantifying Goals
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