
How data-driven, customer-centric leaders are changing the travel & transport industry


The travel, transport and logistics sectors are facing huge challenges, and innovative leaders are using data and intelligence to deliver powerful, customer-centric services


In a turbulent world, the travel, transport and logistics industries are either battling for survival or coping with additional demand resulting from the crisis.

The global pandemic brought travel and associated industries to a halt, at a time when the sector was already facing huge competition from Internet-based start-ups with agile technology and fast, personalised customer service. There are of course some notable exceptions to this based on a rise in demand in sectors such as technology, food retail, and the supply of medical equipment and consumables.

During 2020, Mindtree interviewed senior IT leaders from across the travel, transport and logistics sectors. In this research paper, we share expertise from executives who are meeting these challenges head-on. They urge the industry to recentre their business, people and technology investments around a customer-centric culture. Before the pandemic, customer-centric was an idea that was built on customer delight. Now, the priority has shifted slightly to making customers feel safe while living their lives and accessing travel services. Radical change has become necessary for organisations in the travel, transport and logistics industries to survive and even thrive.

As we begin to see a more optimistic outlook developing and new demands for customer centricity growing, the industry must make better use of customer data to fully understand every stage in the customer journey.

This study brings together insight into the best practices employed by senior industry executives around creating a customer-centred strategy, and the role that technology especially around data and intelligence can play in driving this transformation.

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