
Business innovation with SAP HANA


Today, most public activities are captured as data by surveillance. Surveillance through video is the most common mode. Many public places, such as superstores, restaurants, traffic signals, hospitals and parking spaces, are monitored through CCTVs. The recordings are monitored manually. This not only involves a huge amount of effort by information workers, it also consumes a lot of resources and is prone to errors due to manual interference. Since video surveillance brings in huge volumes of data, storage and management of the data for future requirement plays a crucial role.

Our solution

Video surveillance using SAP HANA

SAP HANA is a revolutionary database technology which enables big data management, real time analysis, 3600x faster analytics and connectivity to multiple reporting tools. Our solution consumes the video surveillance data into SAP HANA, performs trend and prediction analysis on the data and showcases reports to enable management take faster decisions. This approach uses intelligent cameras, capable of making an initial analysis of the video footage. The data from these cameras are stored in SAP HANA for further analysis.

Business innovation with SAP HANA

SAP HANA Rapid Deployment Solution (RDS) - Operational Reporting

Rapid Deployment Solutions (RDS) leverages the SAP HANA platform to ensure optimal performance with high volumes of data, which currently cannot be achieved without in-memory technology. RDS is a collection of standard business implementations which are immediately deployable, further accelerating HANA implementation. The SAP HANA operational reporting RDS provides reports from the business areas of sales, financials, shipping, purchasing, and master data – for real time decision making.

  • Sales reporting: Identify your top five customers and products by channel, with real time reporting
  • Financial reporting: Gain instant insights across your business – into revenue, customers, accounts payable / receivable, open / overdue items, top general ledger transactions and daily sales outstanding
  • Purchasing reporting: Gain timely insights into purchase orders, vendors and the movement of goods – with real-time purchases reporting
  • Master Data Reporting: Get real time reporting on your main master data, including customer vendor and material lists, for improved productivity and accuracy

SAP SAP HANA Rapid Deployment Solution (RDS) - Sentimental Reporting

SAP HANA sentimental analysis provides deep insight into market trends and customer perception of brand and products. This quick-to-deploy software and services package uses SAP HANA, the lightning-quick in-memory database, to access, analyze and interpret massive volumes of unstructured social media content. This leads to stronger customer relationships and a sharper competitive edge. The solution enables us to:

  • Monitor, engage and gain insight from customers across the social Web
  • Proactively respond to customer sentiment for improved brand loyalty
  • Acquire data from unstructured online sources like Facebook and Twitter
  • Combine unstructured data with structured data, such as campaigns, to accurately guide business strategy
  • Quickly and easily analyze sentiment using predefined exploration views and dashboards

Mindtree File Uploader

The most convenient method of data provisioning in SAP HANA has been Flat File upload. File Uploader is a web based utility to upload files like .csv, .xls, .doc, txt, etc. to database tables in SAP HANA. It has the "feature-rich" interface provided by SAPUI5. It provides freedom to the application user from SAP HANA Studio.

Business innovation with SAP HANA
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