Case Study

Assured product quality and faster time-to-market for a leading SaaS ISV serving 15+ million users


Enterprises need integrated solutions that increase productivity and reduce costs without compromising on flexibility. This calls for greater collaboration with their ecosystem partners to deliver the right balance between time to market, quality and costs.

Here’s how Mindtree’s expertise in product development and testing helped a leading SaaS provider to overcome this challenge.

The challenge

The customer faced the challenge of maintaining quality for a highly configurable and customizable product. The solution being a hosted application, added to the task of managing application lifecycle amidst short release cycles.

They needed a partner with expertise in hosted applications and ability to comprehensively test and assure quality of their solution and future releases. Lack of process documentation added to the challenge.

Our solution

Mindtree collaborated with the customer to understand their products. This accelerated the development of various test cases of features and functionalities. Automation of the regression testing helped reduce time-to-market for new releases and achieved cost reduction.

Our approach

Mindtree successfully executed QA and new development for the hosted solution by following scrum, an agile methodology. Our well-defined governance model led to an effective tracking mechanism across projects. The iterative, metrics-driven and continuous improvement approach led to rapid improvement in defect detection and stability in defect density. We are now the exclusive QA partner for the customer.

Client benefits

  • Significant cost savings on testing
  • Reduced time-to-market for new releases
  • 100% on-time product release
  • Achieved a defect detection efficiency of 95% and consistent defect density of 8%
Assured product quality and faster time-to-market for a leading SaaS ISV serving 15+ million users
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