
Agile User Stories: A Recorded Webinar


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Brian Stiff, Test Specialist, Mindtree
Jeremy Johnson, Senior Manager, Mindtree

User stories help product owners, programmers, and testers communicate how customers and users will use a product. But expressing requirements too concisely can cause trouble for agile teams because key details may be omitted. Mistakes can lead to the wrong test cases, the wrong implementation, or—worse—the wrong product.

Identifying the business value, refining the backlog, and outlining team roles and responsibilities are essential to creating effective user stories. This web seminar covers key approaches and proven techniques that will ensure agile teams define and deliver right products.

You will learn how to:

  • Break down a vision statement and user needs into epics, features, and user stories
  • Estimate the business value of features and stories
  • Identify the minimum viable product for a successful launch
  • Develop, maintain, and prioritize the product backlog
  • Define and manage acceptance testing criteria

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