Case Study

Mindtree enables resource scalability and cost effectiveness by moving on-premise Murex MX 3.1 Environment to Microsoft Azure Cloud


Executive Summary

Mindtree demonstrated its Murex on-cloud capabilities by moving a client’s mission-critical systems from an on-premises environment to Microsoft Azure Cloud, to enable on-demand resource scalability and improve cost effectiveness. Mindtree leveraged its decade-strong Murex experience to help the client upgrade from MX to MX3.1.38.3 on Microsoft Azure cloud. Our experts led the project end-to-end, from analysis and implementation to testing and reconciliation in the new cloud environment, delivering the project on-time, enabling superior efficiencies and outcomes for the client.

The Challenge

The on-premises Murex environment was plagued by high latency as it required manual provisioning, spin up/down of environments and setup of additional environment and Load Balancer. Moreover, it lacked the ability to cost-effectively scale on-demand to meet evolving requirements. The environment also required extensive server maintenance in case of failures or crashes that trigger disaster recovery (DR), leading to high OpEx and CapEx costs.

The result: lack of a robust and agile IT environment that led to a negative impact on the bottom line.

To enable automated provisioning and spin up/down of its IT environment and on-time resource scalability and agility, and address:

  • Moving the MX implementation to the latest version MX.III
  • Migrate SOLARIS to the recommended RHEL 7.2
  • Setup application, load balancer, and MPC GRID
  • Set up SYBASE DB on Microsoft Azure Cloud

Our Solution

Leveraging over a decade of in-depth Murex experience and our established Cloud practice, Mindtree experts provided efficient consulting, upgrade, development, support, data engineering and testing services to the client. Our proven framework enabled us to spearhead the end-to-end assessment, planning, design, implementation and migration of Murex and other mission-critical system - from an on-premises environment to Microsoft Azure Cloud. We also established a client reference model for ease of demonstration. Our solution encompassed:

  • Analysis, implementation and testing of MX3.1.38.3 on Microsoft Azure cloud, followed by reconciliation and necessary documentation and resolution of issues.
  • Upgradation from SOLARIS to RHEL 7.2 with Murex application, database, load balancer and MPC GRID setup for parallel computing.
  • Setting up multiple modules of Murex on Azure cloud with application, MPC GRID, load balancers, etc.
  • Establishing a highly secure system model with minimal latency
  • Enabling auto-scalability and easy provisioning of new implementations for ease of use
  • Enabling CICD solution implementations

Business Impact

As a global system integrator and a key alliance partner of Murex, Mindtree enabled accelerated Murex cloud move and upgradation, driving several tangible business benefits including:

  • Superior stability and reduced latency through auto provisioning and spin up/down of environments and auto scalability of Load Balancer and MPC grid.
  • 40% improvement in operational efficiency, scalability, and robustness of the IT environment.
  • A pay-as-you-go model, leading to reduced CapEx and OpEx costs.
  • Superior DR functionality and high availability with dedicated availability zones on the cloud.
  • Accelerated provisioning of the environment with automation through reusable technology-specific components.
  • Delivery of extensible environment framework leveraging both manual and automation components.
  • Ability to diversify business with new payoffs and models.

Read to know more:

3 Steps to Getting Started with Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

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