Mindtree and AWS – Leading the Digital Market together with Cloud transformation

Mindtree has been working on Cloud Computing since a decade, i.e. since the alpha days of SQS introduction in AWS, and have delivered 4000+ cloud-based projects till date. Mindtree delivers a holistic approach to cloud transformation that accelerates a company’s move to digital business. Mindtree can help a customer across their cloud journey – right from ‘Getting on to the cloud’ to ‘Living in the cloud’ and ‘Creating new possibilities’. Mindtree offers its services right from cloud advisory & portfolio analysis to cloud build, cloud migration, cloud native services, cloud governance and cloud management. With an ecosystem of over 2300 cloud experts and 35+ Industry partnerships, we work with our customers as an anchor partner and help them modernize taking a cloud first approach.

As an anchor partner, Mindtree delivers:

  • Strategy: Mindtree helps identify and assess the key decisions to embark and manage deployment on Cloud to disrupt new business models and revolutionize the customer experience.
  • Speed: Mindtree enables companies to quickly migrate to the cloud and scale in a factory-based model, which ensures efficiency and the flexibility to align with the business needs.
  • Next-generation platforms: Mindtree has developed 12 cloud-native, industry-specific business platforms to enhance productivity, inclusivity and innovation of workforce and partners.

ISG Provider LensTM in its quadrant report 2018 has rated Mindtree as the Rising star for its public cloud transformation services for the US and global markets.

Our Relationship with AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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Mindtree is an Advanced Consulting Partner in the Amazon Partner Network (APN) for AWS. Together, we have helped several enterprises to successfully migrate to cloud.

Mindtree is also AWS Data & Analytics Competency Partner as well as DevOps Competency partner. Mindtree has successfully achieved AWS Competency status through AWS Technical Validation 2018.

Know more about Mindtree and AWS' big data journey

Know more about Mindtree's AWS DevOps practice

Our Migration Methodology

Mindtree maps the cloud journey of any customer across the three phases mentioned below:

cloud journey of any customer across the three phases

Fig 1: Three phases of Cloud journey

Our Migration approach to Cloud architectures are inspired by the guidelines from AWS on the Well Architected Framework. We approach our designs from the following 5 lens:

5 Lens Architectured Framework

Fig 2: AWS Well Architected Framework

We apply these approaches across the different lifecycle stages in the cloud paradigm and Mindtree offers its services through the seven stages for cloud migration and modernization as mentioned below:

lifecycle stages in the cloud paradigm

Fig 3: Journey for Cloud Migration & Modernization

Read more about 7 stages of Cloud Migration and Modernization

Read our technical blog on Mindtree & AWS Migration Services.

Mindtree has gaineds experience and learnings from executing multiple cloud migration projects onto AWS as well as other major cloud platforms over the last decad. Through our learning we recommend two different methodologies for migration.

1. Lift and shift

The concern of every CIO is to move out of their existing datacentre and free the infra costs. Though there are legacy systems and applications, they tend to first lift and shift their infra to cloud. The IaaS services offered by cloud provider tend to be an investment for all cloud service providers. Mindtree recommends Cloud migration factory with Mindtree’s proprietary tools and process.

Fig 4: Mindtree Tools, Components & Process for Cloud Migration factory

Read our technical blog on Cloud Migration made easier with AWS.

2. Application Re-architecture (Set Minimum viable Platform)

Accelerate cloud adoption with a Minimum viable platform led approach which decreases time to value by introducing repeatability.

Minimum Viable Cloud [MVC] is a cloud application management framework designed to accelerate development & deployment of cloud applications that enables faster “go to cloud” while lowering the TCO. MVC is a combination of methodology, a framework of patterns, & a solution accelerator which is based on 12 Factor App principles. It decreases time to value by introducing repeatability and also reduces the number of technologies and tools that need to be maintained which brings down the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the solution. Automation, blueprints and best practices are the core implementation tools of MVC.

Fig 5: Minimum Viable Cloud

Read more about MVC.

Migration Tools we use:


AWS Application Discovery Service & ComPaaS for application assessment and reliably plan migration by identifying applications running in on-premises and performing cloud fitment analysis along with their dependencies.

Server Migration:

  • AWS Server Migration Service & SurPaas for lift and shift migration
  • 100+ library of AWS Cloud formation templates - Cloud Bag
  • Minimum viable Cloud

Database Migration:

  • AWS Database Migration Service for database migration

Storage Migration:

  • AWS CLI and AWS Direct Connect for large storage migration

Following are a few instances where we helped our clients accelerate their migration to cloud:

  • Unlocked the capital by 30% and migrated Digital marketing sites to Cloud. Largely we have covered the following major elements.
    • Portfolio view of the applications which require migration
    • Setting the foundation for cloud adoption through a Lift and Shift approach
    • Migrating the customer facing digital portfolio which is further illustrated below
    The customer facing digital portfolio required us to migrate its data centre from Rackspace to Amazon Web Services, including 700 digital properties and mitigate migration risk to targeted top sites considered as “Crown Jewels” and these were almost 75% of their traffic volume.
  • For a Global Hospitality Major wanting to modernize their legacy revenue management systems and processes to increase market share. Real-time decision support requires the modernization of legacy & monolith revenue management platform currently realized in mainframe. Our approach is to modernize this mainframe system to Cloud native data architectures. This involves designing as big data processing platform, exposed as micro-services on OpenShift.
  • For a leading cosmetic major, we have created a new platform to deliver omni-channel experiences in-store, digital channels (paid, owned or earned), B2B partner channels enriching 220M consumer personas on 500 attributes for personalized engagement across 1B touchpoints. This is a Big Data architecture realized through cloud native micro-services.

Sucess Stories:

Mindtree unlocks 30% capital through Lift and Shift migration to AWS from RackSpace

World's leading multi-national food manufacturer company aimed to unlock its capital through migration. When this food manufacturer turned to Mindtree, it needed to migrate its datacentre from Rackspace to Amazon Web Services, a leading cloud provider. The migration also included 700 digital properties. The biggest challenge was to mitigate the risk involved in migration as the targeted top sites were to be moved to cloud. These top sites accounted for 75% of traffic volume to the client, hence leading to a huge impact to the client business.

To know more about our Solution and the business impact it created, Click here.

Leading supermarket's e-commerce application is lifted from Rackspace and shifted to AWS Cloud

An e-platform that exclusively sells organic products had hosted both production and pre-production environments on Rackspace. They planned to migrate these environments to AWS. They had 40+ servers, 700GB data size, 5 different applications, SSRS and .net technologies. Customer wanted to make business implications for both industrial and consumer audiences in retail industry. They were looking for a high-performing, low-cost infrastructure to fulfill their organizational vision/mission. The Customer wanted to redirect their attention to core applications and reduce the resources required to manage the infrastructure that runs them. Mindtree helps its customers achieve successful transition to cloud with zero business impact.

To know more about our Solution and the business impact it created, Click here.

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